Monday, October 29, 2018

Dr. Krishna S Iyer Offers Lifesaving Surgery for Congenital Heart Defects of Labiba Mirza from Bangladesh

“When Mr. and Mrs. Mirza from Bangladesh with her daughter Labiba landed to India on Jan. 2, 2018, she was a very lucky, but very sick little girl. Not quite 4 years old, Labiba had already embarked on a big adventure—traveling overseas to begin a new year and a new life in a new country. But she was about to have an even bigger adventure that would take place with Dr. Krishna Iyer at Fortis Escorts Hospital Delhi.

Dr. K S Iyer Patient Review

Throughout the overseas flight, Labiba had been vomiting, having trouble breathing, and her skin looked blue. Not sure whether her reaction was exacerbated by confusion or worry about her new surroundings, or something more serious, her parents immediately took her to their pediatrician in Delhi. Found to be very dehydrated, Labiba was referred to Dr. Krishna Iyer at Fortis Escorts Hospital Delhi, where she was diagnosed with one of the most severe forms of the congenital heart defect known as Tetralogy of Fallot, a condition characterized by low oxygen levels in the blood. Her disorder was causing cyanosis, or a bluish-purple color to the skin, and pulmonary atresia, a blockage of blood flow to the lungs.

When Labiba arrived to Dr. Krishna S. Iyer Paediatric Cardiac Surgeon in India, her condition was grave: He initially thought that her condition was inoperable. But before sending her home with no hope, he reviewed the results of her electrocardiograms, chest x-rays, echocardiograms, CT angiogram, and heart catheterization. He designed a complex multi-stage treatment plan, which included a series of cardiac catheterizations and surgeries to repair and improve the blood flow to Labia’s lungs.

Bangladesh faces major health challenges. Most of the Bangladeshi doctors haven't had any clue of patients and their diseases, Most of the time they are clueless and take long time to detect the disease. This ultimately leads to dying of the patients or not so suitable effects. Not to mention the cost is absolutely ridiculous. On the other hand, Indian doctors are well equipped and knowledgeable; know what they are doing and more importantly the cost is all most same as Bangladesh, in some cases less. 

Dr. Krishna Iyer asked for another EKG and an echocardiogram (also called an echo), which uses sound waves to create a moving picture of the heart. He knew immediately what the problem was and took immediate action. She needed to be admitted; she needed surgery the next day. Her heart is not working the way it should because she was born with a very rare heart abnormality that produces a series of low-grade heart attacks. As soon as the Best Paediatric Cardiac Surgeon in India at Fortis Escorts Hospital Delhi, Dr. Krishna Iyer, came to know about Labiba condition, he postponed all the surgeries he had planned for the next day.  Dr. Krishna Iyer is one among India's top ranking paediatric cardiac surgeons, famed for his clinical knowledge and wide ranging involvement with the cardiac care for children in India and different developing countries who come for his consult. Dr. Iyer, the best paediatric cardiac surgeon in India has initiated the first dedicated paediatric cardiac care program in Northern India that is a pioneering initiative, at Escorts Heart Institute Research Center (now Fortis-Escorts Heart Institute) in 1995.

He knows time is against Labiba. In most cases, children with ALCAPA have symptoms much earlier, but she had just turned two, we could not risk delaying the surgery.  The next day, Labiba underwent what Dr. Krishna Iyer calls a routine and straight-forward surgical procedure, during which the coronary artery is taken off the pulmonary artery and attached to the aorta, restoring normal anatomy and blood flow. For her family, it’s an experience they’ll never forget.

The notable part of the whole operational process is that I found Dr. Krishna Iyer very kind and sincere to my son's treatment. Through Email id: and Cell phone +91-9370586696 I got his suggestions properly and promptly. He was by no means non-responsive to my calls which has had given me mental peace. I must say cooperation of the operational team individuals of Dr. Krishna Iyer at Fortis Escorts hospital Delhi. The administration people extended their cooperation to me promptly. They have taken care of my daughter up to my satisfaction. I should mention in a single sentence that the quality of services from entrance to exit of the patient was standard.”

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